首页每天太阳照常升起 第62章 像太阳一样照耀

第62章 像太阳一样照耀

    shine like the sun
    we all know that
    no matter how many clouds
    get in the way,
    the sun keeps on shining.
    no matter how many times its rays
    are blocked from our view,
    the sun will reappear on another day
    to shine more brilliantly than before.
    it takes determination
    to outlast those dark clouds
    that sometimes enter your life,
    and patience to keep on shining
    no matter what gets in your way.
    but it all pays off eventually.
    one of these days
    when you least expect it,
    you’ll overcome your difficulties,
    because you and the sun
    have a lot in common:
    you are both going to shine
    no matter what!

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