首页每天太阳照常升起 第64章 朋友和永远的朋友

第64章 朋友和永远的朋友

    friends and friends forever
    nancy hoback/南希·霍巴克
    a friend is a friend forever,
    they’ll ignite a flame of love,
    and set your heart aglow,
    and light up your life,
    from your head down to your toe.
    a faithful friend is always there,
    to lend a helping hand,
    they‘ll be there to defend your honor
    and take a firm or gentle stand,
    when you least expect it,
    they may drop in to say,
    “hello,how have you been?
    i love you with all my heart,
    my true and special friend.”
    a friend will add beauty to your life,
    like a sweet scented flower.
    a good conversation may last into the night,or for many,many,hours,they will take time to stop and listen,when your life is in doubt,that’s what a good friend‘s love is all about.

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